Job posting: NIDA Program Official/Program Specialist and Two Contractor Positions

Job posting

February 13, 2023

NIDA is hiring for this new program, named American Indian and Alaska Native Collective Research Effort to Enhance Wellness Program (AIAN CREW).

In brief, the NIH HEAL Initiative is funding a program to support Tribes and American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) serving organizations and communities to respond to the opioid/drug overdose crisis by establishing or expanding research infrastructure and capacity for Tribal research entities to conduct research related to all facets of the opioid/overdose crisis, including substance misuse, mental health related factors, and the management of pain. It will address data insufficiencies by providing support to improve data and surveillance of factors that contribute to the opioid/drug overdose crisis at the local level (including local data and connections to state, regional and national data. Increasing research capacity will include supporting the conduct of Tribally or community prioritized research. There will also be funding for technical assistance and provide support for the development of any needed partnerships to achieve all program goals. A Tribal Consultation informed the development of this effort.

NIDA is hiring staff for this research effort: