News from the New York Node: John Rotrosen Retires!

(pictured above: John Rotrosen, Ned Nunes, and Jennifer McNeely, leadership of the NY Node)

The NYU Grossman School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry had retirement party on October 4th celebrating John Rotrosen MD and his remarkable career!

John joined NYU in 1968 as a medical student, stayed on through a research residency in psychiatry, and since, as faculty, most of that time overseeing clinical and research programs at Bellevue Hospital and the VA, with generous research funding mostly from the NIH and the VA. 

A highlight of all of those years has been his team’s association with NIDA’s CTN since its inception in 2000, and especially since 2010 with the merger of two nodes, the first funded through NYU and the second, funded through RFMH/Columbia, into the current New York Node co-led by him and Ned Nunes as multiple-PIs. 

John Rotrosen handing a baton to Jennifer McNeely

As of July 1, Jennifer McNeely, MD, MS, Associate Professor in the departments of Population Health and Medicine at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine has assumed John’s role as contact PI at NYU. (pictured above: Dr. Rotrosen literally handing the baton to Dr. McNeely!)

Posted October 13, 2023