Webinar Updates from the CTN Youth SIG: Recording for July Available (Cannabis & Suicide)

In Case You Missed It

CTN Youth SIG: Upcoming webinar

The recording for July’s CTN Youth SIG webinar, Suicide and Cannabis Use Among Youth & Young Adults, featuring presenters Christopher Hammond and Jesse Hinckley, is now available in the CTN Dissemination Library!

Find the recording and abstract here!

Coming Next

The CTN Youth SIG is pleased to invite you to two upcoming presentations in 2024 (all dates are at 11am-12pm ET):

Sept 20 – Dr. Sivabalaji Kaliamurthy
Nov 15 – Dr. Velma Murry

Both meetings can be accessed via Zoom:

Zoom linkhttps://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/94616304667?pwd=MHhGUjBzcmVNUVVlV1IyT0hjR3YrUT09
Meeting ID: 946 1630 4667
Passcode: 047757