New from CTN-0080: PATHS Toolkit about OUD and Pregnancy Now Available!

The CTN-0080 (MOMs) team has developed a set of dissemination materials around messaging for medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in pregnant and postpartum individual, now available on the CTN Dissemination Library website!
The Prenatal Action for Taking Health Steps (PATHS) Toolkit includes flyers, info sheets, posters, an education video, and social media images and short videos (“Reels”), all available for download and sharing.
There’s also a discussion guide that can be used to direct conversations about MOUD in pregnant/postpartum people either in a group or individual settings, as well as a set of external links and resources that can be helpful to the public.
The materials are available in two versions so far — one for the general public and one that has been culturally adapted for American Indian/Alaska Native communities. Spanish translations are also coming soon!