Protocol Update: CTN-0100 (RDD)

On August 30, 2024, the CTN-0100 study reached our goal of 950 BUP randomizations in the Retention Phase of the study! This momentous milestone marked the end of recruitment for this phase.
The first randomization occurred on June 10, 2021, and as of September 16, 2024 there have 1,139 randomizations overall (951 BUP, 188 Vivitrol). Additionally, five sites achieved their original recruitment goal and three sites reached or surpassed 100 overall randomizations.
The Lead Investigators and Project Team express sincere appreciation to the 18 study sites for their unwavering dedication and commitment to this endeavor over the past several years. As we continue to focus on the Discontinuation Phase of the study, with only 70 SL-BUP randomizations remaining, we reflect on our collective knowledge and eagerly anticipate the attainment of yet another study milestone!