CTN-0096 (Tribal MOUD): Notice of Data Lock Completion

Culturally Centering Medications for Opioid Use Disorder with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (CTN-0096, Tribal MOUD) – Notice of Data Lock Completion
Incorporating American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) traditional practices and knowledge into healthcare can support AI/AN health. Despite higher rates of abstinence, AI/AN experience the highest rates of overdose mortality due to the ongoing impact of colonization, historical trauma, discriminatory policies, and under-resourced healthcare. Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD; e.g., buprenorphine, methadone, naltrexone) are the most effective treatment for reducing opioid-related mortality.
CTN-0096 (Tribal MOUD) was a two-phase formative implementation study with a stepped wedge design, grounded in community-based participatory research (CBPR) principles, with the aims to develop and test a program-level intervention to culturally center the delivery of MOUD in four healthcare/addiction specialty treatment sites serving AI/AN communities. In Phase I, a Collaborative Board (CB) guided intervention development which was also informed by Indigenous and Western implementation science frameworks. In Phase II, workgroups at each site participated in a six-month intervention delivered in three phases (explore, prepare, implement) and guided by two American Indian facilitators knowledgeable in implementation strategies and clinical best practices. The primary outcome, comparing pre-intervention to post-intervention, was the number of AI/AN clients initiated on to MOUD obtained through program electronic health records.
We are delighted to share that CTN-0096 data lock was completed on December 13th, 2024. Preliminary outcomes will be forthcoming. The lead study team sends congratulations and a big thank you to our fantastic community research partners, collaborative board members, and communities in which the study took place. All study partners worked tirelessly, through COVID-19 among other challenges, to make this study a success.
Posted on January 16, 2025