CTN-0020-A-1: Job Seekers’ Training for Clients/Relatives with Drug Dependence (Specific to the Na’Nizhoozhi Center, Inc.)

Michael Bogenschutz, M.D.
Lead Investigator

Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions, (CASAA)
University of New Mexico

The study was a single site study, adapting the CTN 0020 protocol for a Native American site (Navajo) at the Na’Nizhoozhi Center, in New Mexico.  In this study, 102 participants were randomized to either the Job Seekers Workshop, a three session, manualized program designed to train in the skills needed to find and secure a job; or a Job Interviewing Video intervention, a single session 40 minute video presentation designed to teach people the skills to find and secure a job.

Primary Findings

No significant differences were found between the two groups for time to a new taxed job or enrollment in a job-training program.  There were no significant differences between groups in substance use frequency at 3-month follow-up.  Despite of the lack of a demonstrable treatment effect, this study established the feasibility of including a rural American Indian site in a rigorous CTN trial through a community-based participatory research approach.

Results Article: Foley K, et al. Effect of job skills training on employment and job seeking behaviors in an American Indian substance abuse treatment sample. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 2010;33(3):181-92. [get article]