CTN-0013-A-1: Trauma and Intravenous Drug Use among Pregnant Alcohol/Other Drug Abusing Women: Factors in Predicting Child Abuse Potential

Sarah J. Erickson, PhD
Lead Investigator
Department of Psychology and Pediatrics
Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA)
This ancillary study has six circumscribed goals with pregnant substance abusing women: (a) to document the prevalence of exposure to traumatic life events; (b) to examine the prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptomatology; (c) to determine if trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms are related to treatment utilization and outcome; (d) to examine child abuse potential; (e) to determine if child abuse potential is related to trauma exposure and traumatic stress symptomatology; and (f) to determine if child abuse potential is related to treatment utilization and outcome.
Primary Findings
In a sample of ethnically diverse substance using pregnant women, women with greater trauma symptomatology and women who were intravenous drug users reported significantly greater child abuse potential. The results suggest that because of the high levels of child abuse potential among this group, preventative interventions targeted toward child abuse potential are warranted for these women.

Results Article: Erickson S, Tonigan J. Trauma and intravenous drug use among pregnant alcohol/other drug abusing women: Factors in predicting child abuse potential. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 2008;26(3):313-332. [get article]
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