CTN-0033-Ot-3: Methamphetamine: Where Does It Fit in the Bigger Picture of Drug Use of American Indian and Alaska Native Communities and Treatment Seekers?
Dennis Donovan, PhD
Lisa Rey Thomas, PhD
Lead Investigators
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute
University of Washington
Exploratory and pilot studies will be conducted to develop collaborations with tribes and Native American treatment programs in the Northwest and to explore the epidemiology of methamphetamine use and co-occurring problems and disorders in their diverse Native American communities (reservation-based and urban treatment centers).
Primary Findings
Interviewees reported that prescription drugs, alcohol, and marijuana are primary community concerns, each presenting similar and distinct challenges. Additionally, community health is tied to access to resources, services, and culturally appropriate and effective interventions. Treatment data results were consistent with interviewee-reported substance use/abuse trends, with alcohol as the primary drug for 56% of AIAN adults compred to 46% of non-AIAN, and other opiates as second most common for AIAN adults in 2008, with 15% of admissions.
Results Article: Radin SM, Banta-Green CJ, Thomas LR, et al. Substance Use, Treatment Admissions, and Recovery Trends in Diverse Washington State Tribal Communities. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2012;38(5):511-517 [get article]
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- CTN-0033-Ot-5: The Choctaw National Methamphetamine Data Needs Project
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