CTN-0035-Ot: Access to HIV and Hepatitis Screening and Care Among Ethnic Minority Drug Users In and Out of Drug Treatment

James Sorensen, PhD
Lead Investigator
University of California, San Francisco
This study is in collaboration with the NIH National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities. The primary goal of this study is to identify barriers and facilitators to HIV and hepatitis C screening and treatment among ethnic minority drug users. Using a combination of structured survey and qualitative focus group methods, investigators will interview drug users in and out-of-drug abuse treatment about their previous experiences in accessing HIV and HCV screening and treatment services. Approximately 348 HIV- and/or HCV-infected drug users recruited from three settings: methadone maintenance, HIV primary care, and syringe exchange programs and assessed for factors related to screening and treatment services across the continuum of engagement in prevention and treatment services.
Primary Findings
Drug users perceived a paucity of settings for self-initiated HCV testing and poor provider-patient communication at test sites and during medical encounters. Notably, drug users reported having an unclear understanding about the meaning of a positive HCV test, the health implications of HCV infection, the importance of clinical evaluations and monitoring, and of treatment options for HCV. Efforts to improve the delivery of clinical messages about HCV infection for drug users at test settings and clinical encounters are needed.

Results Article: Jordan AE, Masson CL, Mateu-Gelabert P, et al. Perceptions of Drug Users Regarding Hepatitis C Screening and Care: A Qualitative Study. Harm Reduction Journal 2013;10:10. [get article]
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