CTN-0061-Ot: Kaiser Virtual Data Warehouse – Prescription Opioid Users

Cynthia Campbell, PhD
Lead Investigator
Kaiser Permanente
Analyzing data stored in Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s Virtual Data Warehouse, this study will assess adult new and long-term prescription opioid users in a large integrated health care delivery system to identify treatment patterns, risk factors, and associated outcomes over time.
Primary Findings
This study established a population-based opioid registry that is flexible and can be used to address important questions of prescription opioid use. In 2011, 18% of KPNC adult members filled out at least 1 opioid prescription. Among those patients, 25% used opioids long term and their average duration of use was more than 4 years. Sedative/hypnotics were used by 76% of long-term users. Being older, white, and living in a more deprived neighborhood, having a chronic pain diagnosis, and use of sedative/hypnotics were predictors of initiating long-term opioid use.

Primary Outcomes Article: Ray GT, et al. Prescription Opioid Registry Protocol in an Integrated Health System. American Journal of Managed Care 2017;23(5):e146-155. [get article]
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