CTN-0125: Integrative Data Analysis of CTN Studies to Examine the Impact of Psychosocial Treatments for Black People who use Cocaine

Kathy Burlew, PhD
Co-Lead Investigator
University of Cincinnati
Lesia Ruglass, PhD
Co-Lead Investigator
City College of New York
The acceleration of opioid-involved overdose deaths among Black people is at least partly attributable to the presence of synthetic opioids (fentanyl) in the cocaine supply in approximately one third of opioid overdose deaths. The CTN provides a unique but underexplored collection of studies that can improve our knowledge on effective psychosocial treatments for Black people who use cocaine. The proposed study will combine data from 7 CTN treatment studies (total N = 1442 Black participants) that in combination present mixed findings. Using multiple emerging measurement/data analysis frameworks (integrative data analysis (IDA), meta-analysis of individual patient data (MIPD), and causal moderation analysis), the goal of the proposed study is to evaluate the effectiveness of substance use disorder treatments for Black people who use cocaine.
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