CTN-0033-Ot-1: Methamphetamine Use Among American Indians

Bruce Schackman, PhD
Lead Investigator
Weill Cornell Medical College – Department of Public Health
Division of Health Policy
In collaboration with the NIH Center for Minority Health and Health disparities, exploratory and pilot studies will be conducted to develop collaborations with tribes and Native American treatment programs in the Northwest and to explore the epidemiology of methamphetamine use and co-occurring problems and disorders in their diverse Native American communities (reservation-based and urban treatment centers).
Primary Findings
Findings indicate that urban clients were more likely to report employment problems, polysubstance use, and a history of abuse. Reservation-based clients reported having more severe medical problems and a greater prevalence of psychiatric problems. Clients who were regular opioid users were more likely to report having a chronic medical condition, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, polysubstance abuse, and IV drug use. Clients who reported a history of depression had twice as many lifetime hospitalizations and more than five times as many days with medical problems.

Results Article: Rieckmann TR, McCarty D, Kovas AE, et al. American Indians with Substance Use Disorders: Treatment Needs and Comorbid Conditions. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 2012;38(5):498-504. [get article]
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