CTN-0032: HIV Rapid Testing and Counseling

Lisa Metsch, PhD
Lead Investigator
Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Public Health
University of Miami

This is a randomized and controlled clinical trial in which individuals receiving drug abuse treatment will be recruited to participate in a multi-center HIV testing and counseling study.  The proposed study will assess the relative effectiveness of three HIV testing strategies,  (1) on-site HIV rapid testing with brief, participant-tailored prevention counseling, (2) on-site HIV rapid testing with information only and (3) referral for off-site HIV testing, in increasing receipt of HIV test results.  The study assessed the effectiveness of three testing strategies in reducing risky sexual and drug-using behaviors.  Individuals, who screen as eligible to participate, completed a baseline assessment to obtain information on their demographics, HIV testing behaviors and sexual and drug-using risk behaviors and were randomized to one of three study groups consisting of three different offers for HIV testing.  At one month post-randomization, participants completed a follow-up assessment to determine whether or not they received their HIV testing results.  At six months post-randomization, participants completed a follow-up assessment to assess any changes in their HIV risk behaviors.

Primary Findings

This study demonstrated on-site rapid HIV testing’s value in drug treatment centers and found no additional benefit from HIV sexual risk-reduction counseling. These results have broad clinical and public health ramifications and support the implementation of routine rapid HIV testing in drug treatment centers, particularly for patients who have not been tested recently.

Primary Outcomes Article: Metsch LR, et al. Implementing Rapid HIV Testing With or Without Risk-Reduction Counseling in Drug Treatment Centers: Results of a Randomized Trial. American Journal of Public Health 2012 (in press). [get article]

    Node Involvement

    Lead Node(s):

  • Florida Node Alliance
  • New England Consortium

  • All Participating Nodes:

  • Appalachian Tri-State Node
  • Florida Node Alliance
  • Mid-Atlantic Node
  • New England Consortium
  • Ohio Valley Node
  • Southern Consortium Node
  • Western States Node