What’s New in the CTN?
Updates from the NIDA National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. Want to share some news about your protocol, node, publications or presentations, or other CTN-related work here and/or in the CTN Bulletin? Email us at ctnlib@uw.edu!
New Year, New Look for the CTN Bulletin!
The CTN Bulletin is now using the MailChimp platform! MailChimp has several benefits over our previous method for these messages: If you have any questions, comments, or challenges with the new format, please let us know! Email us at ctnlib@uw.edu. Subscribe to the CTN Bulletin here!
NIDA CTN DI Mentor-Facilitated Training Awards Develop Future Leaders in SUD Education
Since 2012, the National Institute on Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network Dissemination Initiative (NIDA CTN DI) Mentor-Facilitated Training (MFT) awards have supported health care trainees in the dissemination of best practices in substance use disorder (SUD) screening, prevention, and treatment. Physicians, physician associates, nurses, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists across the country have benefited from the program, which funds year-long, mentored dissemination projects. MFT awardees identify gaps in evidence-based SUD knowledge and treatment delivery, and address these gaps by creating trainings, workshops, and tools and resources for their colleagues and other…
New in the Library, Dec. 2023-Jan. 2024
Here are the latest items added to the CTN Dissemination Library for December 2023 – January 2024 (this post will be updated as new items come in): Webinars Alliances to Disseminate Addiction Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT): A Learning Health System to Improve Evidence-based Practices and Treatment, presented by Matt Aalsma, PhD. (CTN Translation & Implementation SIG webinar, 2023) Human-Centered Implementation Science? Improving the Design and Adaptation of Our Best Interventions and Strategies, presented by Aaron Lyon, PhD. (CTN Translation & Implementation SIG webinar, June 2023) When to Start Caring About…
News from the Appalachian Node
A rural clinic in New Martinsville WV affiliated with the Appalachian Node and West Virginia University has been selected as a site in CTN-0102-XR study Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder. This is a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Extended-release Buprenorphine (XR-BUP) vs. Sublingual Buprenorphine-naloxone (SL-BUP) in rural settings. The study is anticipated to get underway in the first quarter of 2024. Posted on 1/10/2024
Primary Care SIG Webinar: Primary Care Practice Engagement: The SPARC Trial (Jan. 22, 12pm ET)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Center for the Clinical Trials Network (CCTN) Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) SIG is transitioning to a Primary Care SIG (revitalizing the PBRN into primary care focus). To launch this, the Primary Care SIG is hosting a webinar titled Primary Care Practice Engagement: The SPARC Trial to Increase Alcohol-Related Prevention and Treatment. This virtual meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 22, 2024 from 12:00 p.m.– 1:00 p.m. ET. Speaker: Kathy Bradley, M.D. (Health Systems Node) Description: Dr. Bradley will speak on her team’s experience engaging primary care clinics in the SPARC trial. SPARC…
News from the Greater Southern California Node
Awards Congratulations to Dr. Lillian Gelberg, Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Health Policy and Management, UCLA, for receiving the 2023 Maurice Wood Award for Lifetime Contribution to Primary Care Research! The Wood Award is given annually to honor a researcher who has made outstanding contributions to primary care research. Among Gelberg’s achievements are her pioneering research on health disparities, including work that helps people who are experiencing homelessness, as well as her efforts to integrate behavioral health into primary care, such as patient-centered approaches to prevent substance use disorders in low-income patients of…
News from the New England Consortium Node
E. Jennifer Edelman, MD, MHA, was elected to the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI). The ASCI is a prestigious honor society for physician-scientists. Founded in 1908, the ASCI is one of the nation’s oldest medical honor societies and is among the few organizations focused on the special role of physician-scientists in research, clinical care, and medical education, as well as leadership positions in academic medicine and the life sciences industry. Roger Weiss, MD, delivered the Eric D. Hadar Distinguished Lecture in Psychiatry at Columbia University on 11/15/2023 on “Integrating Pharmacotherapy…
CTN Youth SIG Webinar: Youth Perspectives on Fentanyl (Jan. 19, 11am ET)
The CTN Youth SIG is pleased to invite you to an upcoming presentation/webinar: Title: Unveiling Youth Perspectives on Fentanyl and the Adolescent Inpatient Addiction Treatment Landscape in the U.S.Presenters: Todd Korthuis, MD, MPH and Erin Stack, MSDate: Friday, January 19th, 2024 (11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. ET)Join Zoom Meeting: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/91937382102?pwd=OXJyK3NCOE1LaTZtQkVQUm42WlJhQT09Zoom Meeting ID: 919 3738 2102Passcode: 284403 Dr. Todd Korthuis is Professor of Medicine and Addiction Medicine Section Head at Oregon Health & Science University. He conducts addiction health services research and serves as Co-PI of the Western States Node of the National Drug Abuse…
News from the Appalachian Node
On October 25, 2023 and as part of the annual Appalachian Node, WVU hosted a meeting entitled “Building a Healthier Appalachia: Collaborative Solutions to Substance Use Disorders Across the Region” at the WVU Alumni Center (Morgantown, WV). The conference was co-facilitated by the WVU Research Office and brought together policy makers, community leaders, treatment providers, trainees and local as well as national researchers (~60 attendees not affiliated with the node). The goal of the conference was to advance knowledge of empirically based interventions for individuals with substance use disorders and…
RECORDING AVAILABLE: Addictions Research Meets Lived Experience: Lessons Learned, Opportunities and Challenges (Oct. 30, 1pm ET)
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Center for the Clinical Trials Network (CCTN) recently hosted a webinar titled Addictions Research Meets Lived Experience: Lessons Learned, Opportunities and Challenges (October 30, 2023). Peer support services have expanded to a wide variety of health service settings, and evaluating the impact of peer services is an important addition to the research agenda. In this webinar, the presenters and panel members shared lessons learned in conducting trials with persons with lived experience -peers-participating as an integral component of the intervention. The goal of the webinar was to assist investigators in designing future studies with peers as…
WEBINAR: Integrating Addiction and HIV Prevention and Treatment for Everyone and Bringing It to Where They Live – NIDA HIV Seminar (Jan 24, 1pm ET)
Join the NIDA HIV Research Program for the upcoming NIDA HIV Seminar with Sandra Springer, M.D., of Yale School of Medicine, 2022 recipient of the NIDA HIV Avant-Garde Award. Dr. Springer will present on “Integrating Addiction and HIV Prevention and Treatment for Everyone and Bringing it to Where They Live.” Dr. Springer is a Professor of Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Her research integrates aspects of substance use and infectious disease, with a focus on opioid use disorder treatment and the treatment and prevention of HIV among people…
News from the Western States Node: Deadline to Apply for the LEAD Program is November 30!
The Learning for Early Careers in Addiction and Diversity (LEAD) program, a NIDA-funded science education program focused on addictions research training, is recruiting assistant professors and assistant research scientists for the Learning for Early Careers in Addiction and Diversity (LEAD) Program for the 2024-2025. The LEAD Program provides training to early-career research scientists from racial/ethnic minoritized groups that are underrepresented in the substance use and substance use disorder research field. Contact Michael Shopshire, Ph.D., michael.shopshire@ucsf.edu, if you have any questions about the program or your application. The deadline to submit for…
NIDA Funding Opportunities
RFA-DA-24-036: The Rural Community-Centered Drug Misuse Prevention and Harm Reduction Research: Addressing Implementation, Dissemination, and Equity Challenges across the Continuum of Care (R61/R33 Clinical Trial Only) This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will support research projects that develop and test drug misuse prevention and/or harm reduction strategies, extending the continuum of care within U.S. rural communities impacted by the opioid/stimulant epidemic. The overall goal is to reduce drug use and associated risks and harms for individuals with unmet prevention and/or harm reduction needs. Research activities will be conducted in two phases…
News from the Northeast Node
The Northeast Node and its parent organization, the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, are pleased to welcome Lynn Fiellin, MD, as a Node Core Investigator and faculty professor of Biomedical Data Science, Medicine, and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice. Dr. Fiellin joins us from the Child Study Center and the School of Public Health at Yale. She is the founding director of the play2PREVENT Lab and of Playbl, Inc. Specifically, her work focuses on developing and testing…
New in the CTN Library: October-November 2023
Here are the latest items added to the CTN Dissemination Library for October-November 2023 (this post will be updated as new items come in): Prescription Opioid Dose Reductions and Potential Adverse Events: A Multi-Site Observational Cohort Study in Diverse US Health Systems. Metz VE, et al. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2023 (in press). CTN-0084 Nurse Care Management for Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: The PROUD Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial. Wartko PD, et al. JAMA Internal Medicine 2023:3235701 (in press). CTN-0074 Assessment of Screening Tools to Identify Substance Use Disorders Among…
Submit CPDD Poster Abstracts to the Publications Committee by Dec 1, 2023
CPDD is currently accepting poster abstracts for its June 2024 annual conference, with a deadline of December 29, 2023. CPDD poster abstracts require PC review and approval prior to CPDD submission. PC reviews these poster submissions quickly usually within two weeks. Many reviewers are out of the office the holiday week of Monday, December 25 – Friday, December 29. Please send your poster abstracts for PC review by December 1 to provide adequate time for PC review. Posters should be submitted to Jack Blaine (jblaine@nida.nih.gov) and Susan Sonne (sonnesc@musc.edu). Find…
News from the Greater Southern California Node
Telehealth & Telemedicine SIG Updates TH/TM SIG November 17th @ 8:30am PT/11:30am ET (see flyer for details) Cynthia Campbell, PhD., and Vanessa Palzes, MPH., will present findings from their study that examined changes in addiction treatment utilization during the first 10 months of the COVID-19 pandemic among adults with drug use problems in the Kaiser Permanente Northern California healthcare system, with a focus on differences by age group, race/ethnicity, and SES. More information about the Telehealth & Telemedicine SIG can be found on the CTN Dissemination Library’s website here. Opioid Use…
News from the Appalachian Node
Photo slideshow (hover over image and click arrows to move through the set): Posted 11/7/2023
News from the New York Node
Sarah Meyers-Ohki recently celebrated 10 years with the New York Node. In November 2013, Sarah joined the department of psychiatry at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine as a Research Coordinator on the CTN-0051 team at Bellevue Hospital. She is now a Senior Project Manager on CTN-0100 – as part of the lead team and managing the Bellevue site. Happy 10th Anniversary, Sarah! Posted 11/7/2023
News from the New England Consortium Node
Sharon Levy, MD, MPH, Boston Children’s Hospitals, Chief, Division of Addiction Medicine, was promoted to Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. Roger Weiss, MD, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Chief of the Division of Alcohol, Drugs, and Addiction at McLean Hospital received the Founders Award from the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Gail D’Onofrio, MD, MS, Albert E. Kent Professor of Emergency Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, Yale University was elected to the National Academy of Medicine. CTN-0131 The NECN, the Lead Node of CTN-0131, hosted…