• CTN Youth SIG Webinar: The Power of Play. March 15, 2024, 11am-12pm ET

    CTN Youth SIG Webinar: The Power of Play: Using Digital Health Games to Target Adolescent Substance Use and Mental Health (March 15, 11am ET)

    The CTN Youth SIG is pleased to invite you to an upcoming presentation/webinar: The Power of Play: Using Digital Health Games to Target Adolescent Substance Use and Mental Health Presenter: Lynn Fiellin, M.D. Friday, March 15th, 2024 (11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. ET)Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 977 1685 1154Passcode: 832521 This presentation will highlight the work of the play2PREVENT Lab, an academic games research program, and the use of serious videogame interventions to impact health outcomes, particularly substance use and mental health, in adolescents. This talk will outline the process and outcomes involved with the past 15 years of this NIH-funded research. About the presenter Dr. Lynn Fiellin is a Professor of Biomedical Data…

  • Primary Care Practice Engagement: The SPARC Trial to Increase Alcohol-Related Prevention and Treatment

    Primary Care SIG Webinar: Primary Care Practice Engagement: The SPARC Trial (Jan. 22, 12pm ET)

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Center for the Clinical Trials Network (CCTN) Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) SIG is transitioning to a Primary Care SIG (revitalizing the PBRN into primary care focus). To launch this, the Primary Care SIG is hosting a webinar titled Primary Care Practice Engagement: The SPARC Trial to Increase Alcohol-Related Prevention and Treatment. This virtual meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 22, 2024 from 12:00 p.m.– 1:00 p.m. ET. Speaker: Kathy Bradley, M.D. (Health Systems Node) Description: Dr. Bradley will speak on her team’s experience engaging primary care clinics in the SPARC trial. SPARC used practice facilitation, EHR tools and performance feedback, to implement alcohol-related prevention and treatment across 25 primary care clinics: 3 pilot…

  • CTN Youth SIG: Upcoming webinar

    CTN Youth SIG Webinar: Youth Perspectives on Fentanyl (Jan. 19, 11am ET)

    The CTN Youth SIG is pleased to invite you to an upcoming presentation/webinar: Title: Unveiling Youth Perspectives on Fentanyl and the Adolescent Inpatient Addiction Treatment Landscape in the U.S.Presenters: Todd Korthuis, MD, MPH and Erin Stack, MSDate: Friday, January 19th, 2024 (11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. ET)Join Zoom Meeting: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/91937382102?pwd=OXJyK3NCOE1LaTZtQkVQUm42WlJhQT09Zoom Meeting ID: 919 3738 2102Passcode: 284403 Dr. Todd Korthuis is Professor of Medicine and Addiction Medicine Section Head at Oregon Health & Science University. He conducts addiction health services research and serves as Co-PI of the Western States Node of the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Ms. Erin Stack has 15 years of experience supporting and leading research and evaluation projects,…

  • CCTN Webinar October 3, 2023

    RECORDING AVAILABLE: Addictions Research Meets Lived Experience: Lessons Learned, Opportunities and Challenges (Oct. 30, 1pm ET)

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Center for the Clinical Trials Network (CCTN) recently hosted a webinar titled Addictions Research Meets Lived Experience: Lessons Learned, Opportunities and Challenges (October 30, 2023). Peer support services have expanded to a wide variety of health service settings, and evaluating the impact of peer services is an important addition to the research agenda. In this webinar, the presenters and panel members shared lessons learned in conducting trials with persons with lived experience -peers-participating as an integral component of the intervention. The goal of the webinar was to assist investigators in designing future studies with peers as interventionists. The agenda included an overview of the development of peer services in addiction treatment, a brief description of three research projects, and…

  • Young woman looking at laptop and smiling

    WEBINAR: Integrating Addiction and HIV Prevention and Treatment for Everyone and Bringing It to Where They Live – NIDA HIV Seminar (Jan 24, 1pm ET)

    Join the NIDA HIV Research Program for the upcoming NIDA HIV Seminar with Sandra Springer, M.D., of Yale School of Medicine, 2022 recipient of the NIDA HIV Avant-Garde Award. Dr. Springer will present on “Integrating Addiction and HIV Prevention and Treatment for Everyone and Bringing it to Where They Live.” Dr. Springer is a Professor of Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. Her research integrates aspects of substance use and infectious disease, with a focus on opioid use disorder treatment and the treatment and prevention of HIV among people with carceral experience. Learn more and register here!

  • Science series logo

    Northeast Node webinar: Exploring the Intersection of SUDs and Suicide – October 25 (12pm ET)

    Join the CTN Northeast Node on October 25, 2023 for the next webinar in their Science Series (1 CME available): Exploring the Intersection of Substance Use Disorders and Suicide: Recent Research and Clinical ImplicationsPresented by Peter Jongho Na, MD, MPH (Yale School of Medicine) October 25, 2023 | 12-1pm ETZoom meeting ID: 919- 7631 6490Passcode: 870392 Suicide and the opioid/opioid overdose epidemics have been major public health problems in the U.S. over the past two decades. This talk will cover recent research on the intersection of substance use disorders (opioid use disorder in particular) and suicide. The potential applications of research findings in clinical settings will also be discussed. For…

  • CTN snowflake logo

    CTN Steering Committee Meeting (virtual, Sept. 19, 2-4pm ET)

    CTN members are invited to join the next CTN Steering Committee Meeting, which will be held virtually on September 19, 2023 (2-4pm PT). The agenda will include final study reports for CTN-0134 (Buprenorphine-Precipitated Withdrawal Hotspots and Correlates) and CTN-0105 (Integrating Pharmacy-Based Prevention and Treatment of Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders: A Survey of Pharmacists and Stakeholders), as well as a presentation from the Office of Research Training, Diversity, and Disparities on training opportunities to leverage the CTN Network (funding mechanisms and programs). Download the agenda here. Zoom connection information: Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85039116127?pwd=WmczMDAyNGNYR2Q3dFRxNUFadUxtdz09Meeting ID: 850 3911 6127Passcode: 377366Phone: 301-715-8592One tap mobile: +13017158592,,85039116127#,,,,*377366#

  • CTN Youth SIG: Upcoming Webinar

    Youth SIG Webinar: Parent-to-Parent Community Support: Helping Families Come Into Contact with Evidence-Informed Concepts and Strategies in the Context of Shared Lived Experience (Nov. 3, 11am ET)

    The CTN Youth SIG is pleased to invite you to an upcoming presentation/webinar: Title: Parent-to-Parent Community Support: Helping Families Come Into Contact with Evidence-Informed Concepts and Strategies in the Context of Shared Lived Experience. Presenter: Ken M Carpenter, PhDResearch Scientist, Division on Substance Use Disorders, New York State Psychiatric InstituteDirector of Training, CMC:Foundation for Change Date/Time: November 2, 2023, 11am-12pm ET Zoom link: https://dartmouth.zoom.us/j/94616304667?pwd=MHhGUjBzcmVNUVVlV1IyT0hjR3YrUT09Zoom Meeting ID: 946 1630 4667Passcode: 047757Phone one-tap:US: +16469313860,,94616304667#,,,,*047757# US +13017158592,,94616304667#,,,,*047757# Dr. Carpenter’s more recent community-based work has focused on developing resources that can be utilized by parent peer support networks to help bring evidence-informed concepts and skills to families impacted by substance use problems. He will present on pilot…

  • Youth SIG September webinar

    Youth SIG Webinar: Assessing Mental Health Among Young U.S. Females (Sept. 15, 11am ET)

    The CTN Youth Special Interest Group (Youth SIG) invites you to join them for their next webinar, “Assessing Mental Health Among Young U.S. Females: Learning Insights from Girls for Health (LIGHT) Research Study,” September 15, 2023, 11am-12pm ET. The LIGHT study held focus groups with adolescent and young adult females to talk about their mental health concerns and improve understanding of the best ways to assess and help them with those concerns. In this webinar, Dr. Viviana Horigian, MD, MHA, Executive Director of the CTN Florida Node Alliance, will present the background, approach, and preliminary results of the study, sharing lessons learned and opening the discussion to seek input from…

  • Guam's 4th annual conference on SUD among Pacific Islanders

    Guam’s 4th Annual Conference on SUD Among Pacific Islanders

    The Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center and Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center cordially invite you to register for Guam’s Fourth Annual Conference on Substance Use Disorders among Pacific Islanders. This live virtual conference is available at no-cost and is scheduled to take place during National Recovery Month on September 27-28, 2023 from 8:00am-2:30pm ChST. Earn up to 8.0 CE credits while attending presentations in the following featured tracks (full agenda here): Find out more and register here! Posted on August 26, 2023