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    JSAT Special Issue: Call for Papers on Implementation Science in Addiction Treatment

    The Journal of Substance Use & Addiction Treatment (JSAT) is seeking abstracts for a special issue on addiction treatment implementation research, including: quantitative research, theory-driven or -generating qualitative studies, study protocols, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. One-page abstracts of the proposed paper are due by November 1, 2023, and must be submitted to Dr. Mark McGovern at mpmcg@stanford.edu. (Reminder that all CTN-related papers have to be approved by the Publications Subcommittee before being submitted for publication!  Please email Susan Sonne (sonnesc@musc.edu) and Jack Blaine (jblaine@nida.nih.gov) for more information.) Find more details about the JSAT submission here.

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    NEWS: US FDA approves Narcan (4mg naloxone nasal spray) for over-the-counter purchase/use

    (From the US FDA press release) Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Narcan, 4 milligram (mg) naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray for over-the-counter (OTC), nonprescription, use – the first naloxone product approved for use without a prescription. Naloxone is a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of opioid overdose and is the standard treatment for opioid overdose. Today’s action paves the way for the life-saving medication to reverse an opioid overdose to be sold directly to consumers in places like drug stores, convenience stores, grocery stores and gas stations, as well as online.  Read the complete press release. Posted March 29, 2023

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    NIDA INVEST Postdoctoral Fellowship International Scholars – Special Application Deadline: April 1, 2023

    January 25, 2023 NIDA International Program is accepting applications for international postdoctoral researchers for the INVEST Drug Use and Addiction Research Fellowship. This combines postdoctoral research training in the United States with professional development activities and grant-writing guidance to form a unique program for drug use and addiction scientists. Fellowship: The 12-month INVEST fellowship provides rigorous postdoctoral research training with a NIDA grantee at a U.S. institution, professional development activities that help establish personal relationships with NIDA grantees and NIDA officials, a stipend for living and personal expenses, and an allowance to cover the cost of health insurance and professional development activities. Eligibility: INVEST applicants are required to be international researchers with a doctoral…