Number |
Title |
Status |
CTN-0156 |
Pilot Development and Evaluation of a Patient Decision Aid for Emergency Department Initiated Buprenorphine |
in development |
CTN-0155 |
Low-threshold Buprenorphine Treatment at Syringe Services Programs: A Type I Hybrid Effectiveness-implementation Trial |
in development |
CTN-0154 |
EMS initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder |
in development |
CTN-0153 |
Effects of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide on Incidence and Outcomes of Stimulant Use Disorders and Opioid Use Disorder in Real-world Populations: Target Trial Emulation Using Patient Electronic Health Records (GLP-SUD) |
in development |
CTN-0152 |
Evaluation of Tirzepatide as an Adjunct to Buprenorphine for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder: A Pragmatic, Multi-Site, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial (TAB) |
in development |
CTN-0151 |
Toward Pharmacy-Led Value Based Care Model for Buprenorphine Initiation and Management (PharmValue): Development of a Scalable Pharmacist-Led Collaborative Practice Agreement for Medication for Opioid Use Disorder |
in development |
CTN-0150 |
Personally-Tailored Opioid-overdose and Medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) Education (TOME) for pregnant and postpartum persons in MOUD |
completed |
CTN-0149 |
Trajectories of Secondary Outcomes in CTN Trials |
active |
CTN-0148 |
Cocaine Craving and Use Outcomes Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Study to Test the Safety and Effectiveness of Buprenorphine in the Presence of Naltrexone for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence |
completed |
CTN-0146 |
Adolescent outcomes of Post-operative opioid Exposure (APEX) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0145 |
Standard versus High Dose ED-Initiated Buprenorphine Induction (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0144 |
Better Together: Integrating MOUD in African American Community Settings (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
in development |
CTN-0143 |
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH); Needs and Consequences Associated with Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0142 |
Towards Personalized Medicine in Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD): Analyses of Veterans Health Administration Data to Delineate Patient Characteristics Associated with Treatment Outcomes and Successful MOUD Discontinuation |
active |
CTN-0141 |
Health Insurance Instability and Mortality among Patients Receiving Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Linkage of the Prescription Opioid Registry with the National Death Index |
completed |
CTN-0140 |
Cannabis Use among Pregnant Women with Polysubstance Use and Psychiatric Problems |
completed |
CTN-0139 |
Collaborative Care for Polysubstance use in Primary Care Settings (Co-Care) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0138 |
Adaptation and Implementation of a Community Pharmacy-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Opioid Risk Assessment Tool |
active |
CTN-0137 |
Multi-Level Stigma Intervention to Improve Access to Substance Use Care with Prescribing Providers in Mental Health Settings |
completed |
CTN-0136 |
Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, Predictability of Retention vs. Attrition |
completed |
CTN-0135 |
Buprenorphine Treatment Engagement and Induction Problems Among Individuals Using Fentanyl |
completed |
CTN-0134 |
Buprenorphine-Precipitated Withdrawal Hotspots and Correlates |
completed |
CTN-0133 |
Exploring Health Beliefs for Community Engagement and Diversity in Clinical Trials (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0132 |
Ketamine for Methamphetamine use Disorder (KMD) Study |
active |
CTN-0131 |
Office-Based Methadone versus Buprenorphine to Address Retention in Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)-- A Pragmatic Hybrid Effectiveness/Implementation Trial |
active |
CTN-0130 |
Quantifying How Cocaine Users Respond to Fentanyl Contamination in Cocaine |
completed |
CTN-0129 |
The Great Plains Initiative |
completed |
CTN-0128 |
Adherence and Feasibility of Wearable Technologies and Ecological Momentary Assessment to Assess Autonomic Function and Negative Affect in Opioid Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0127 |
Engaging African American Faith-Based Leaders in a Substance Use Learning Collaborative |
active |
CTN-0126 |
Longitudinal Follow-Up of Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder |
active |
CTN-0125 |
Integrative Data Analysis of CTN Studies to Examine the Impact of Psychosocial Treatments for Black People who use Cocaine |
completed |
CTN-0124 |
Assessment and Design of a Cost-Effective Collaborative MOUD Delivery System |
completed |
CTN-0123 |
Facebook Intervention for Preventing Opioid Relapse among American Indian Women |
active |
CTN-0122 |
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of CTN Treatment Outcomes by Race and Sex |
completed |
CTN-0121 |
Integrated Care and Treatment for Severe Infectious Diseases and Substance Use Disorders (SUD) among Hospitalized Patients |
active |
CTN-0120 |
R-MIST: Remote Methadone Ingestion Surveillance Trial |
active |
CTN-0119 |
Impact of Social Distancing Measures, Expansion of Telemedicine for Buprenorphine Prescribing, and Health Insurance Payor on Access to Buprenorphine During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
completed |
CTN-0118 |
Examining the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency on Policy, Substance Use Disorder, Treatment and Resilience among American Indian and Alaska Native Communities |
completed |
CTN-0117 |
The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Substance Use Treatment Services |
completed |
CTN-0116 |
Pharmacist-Integrated Model of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder |
active |
CTN-0115 |
Developing an Intervention to Address Intersecting Prescription Opioid and Chronic Pain Stigma in Cancer Survivors (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0114 |
Drug Repurposing for Cocaine Use Disorder (CUD) Using a Combined Strategy of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Based Prediction and Retrospective Clinical Corroboration |
completed |
CTN-0113 |
Validating a DSM-5 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Symptom Checklist in EHR Data from a Large Primary Care Sample to Support Future Pragmatic Trials and Chronic Care Management of SUDs in Primary Care |
completed |
CTN-0112 |
Optimal Policies to Improve Methadone Maintenance Adherence Longterm (OPTIMMAL) |
completed |
CTN-0111 |
COVID-19 and Substance Misuse Case Identification using Data Science: A Retrospective Cohort Study |
completed |
CTN-0110 |
Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine For Methamphetamine Use Disorder (MURB) |
completed |
CTN-0109 |
Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial of Injectable Naltrexone and Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine for Cocaine Use Disorder (CURB-2) |
active |
CTN-0109-A-1: Innovative Development of Research Engagement Manual (I-DREM): Strategies to Enhance Recruitment and Retention of Black Individuals in CTN-0109 CURB-2 |
active |
CTN-0108 |
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Methamphetamine/Cocaine Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0107 |
Peer Intervention to Link Overdose survivors to Treatment (PILOT) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0106 |
Derivation and Validation of New Measurement-Based Care Tools Derived from the Brief Addiction Monitor (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0105 |
Integrating Pharmacy-Based Prevention and Treatment of Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders: A Survey of Pharmacists and Stakeholders (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0104 |
Healthcare Provider Stigma Related to the Opioid Use Epidemic and its Impact on Patient Treatment and Clinical Management (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0103 |
Expanding Clinical Research Training on Implementing the Evidence-based Hub and Spoke Model of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0102 |
Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0102-A-1: COVID Impact on Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0102-C: Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Electronic Health Record Data Collection (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0102-XR: Rural Expansion of Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial of Extended-release Buprenorphine vs. Sublingual Buprenorphine-naloxone in Rural Settings (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0101 |
Subthreshold Opioid Use Disorder Prevention (STOP) Trial (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0100 |
Optimizing Retention, Duration, and Discontinuation Strategies for Opioid Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0099 |
Emergency Department-INitiated bupreNOrphine and VAlidaTIOn Network Trial (ED-INNOVATION) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0098 |
Exemplar Hospital Initiation Trial to Enhance Treatment Engagement (EXHIT ENTRE) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
active |
CTN-0097 |
Surmounting Withdrawal to Initiate Fast Treatment with Naltrexone (SWIFT): Improving the Real-World Effectiveness of Injection Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0096 |
Culturally Centered MAT for OUD Implementation Facilitation for Primary Care and Addiction Treatment Programs Serving American Indian/Alaska Natives (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0096-A-1: National Medication-Assisted Treatment Survey of Substance Use Disorder Programs Serving American Indian and Alaska Native People |
completed |
CTN-0095 |
Clinic-Randomized Trial of Clinical Decision Support for Opioid Use Disorders in Medical Settings (COMPUT 2.0) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0095-A-1: Suicide Prediction and Prevention for People at Risk for Opioid Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0095-A-2: Reducing Stigma Toward People with Opioid Use Disorder Among Primary Care Clinicians |
completed |
CTN-0094 |
Individual Level Predictive Modeling of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Outcome (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0093 |
Validation of a Community Pharmacy-based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool (PHARMSCREEN) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0091 |
Preventing and Identifying Opioid Use Disorder Using the Six Building Blocks (6BBs) for Improving Opioid Prescription Management (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0090 |
Innovatively Increasing PCP Prescribing of Buprenorphine: Measurement Based Care and Integrated Electronic Solution (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0089 |
Integrating Nurse Practitioner Buprenorphine Waiver Training into Graduate Nursing Curriculum (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0088 |
DC Research Infrastructure Building & Initiative to Reach, Engage, and Retain in MAT Patients with OUD (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0087 |
A Foundation to Examine Reasons for Discontinuation for Buprenorphine Care in the Veterans Health Administration (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0086 |
Inpatient versus Outpatient Treatment Outcomes for People with Opioid Use Disorder (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0085 |
Selection Bias Free Estimation of the Impact of Drug-Focused Twelve Step Mutual Help Groups Using the VA Database (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0084 |
Developing a Prescription Opioid Registry across Diverse Health Systems (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0084-A-1: Determining the Optimal Duration of Buprenorphine Treatment to Reduce the Risk of Relapse, Overdose, and Mortality |
completed |
CTN-0084-A-2: Harnessing Digital Health to Understand Clinical Trajectories of Opioid Use Disorder (D-TECT) |
completed |
CTN-0083 |
Using Social Media to Deliver HIV Self-Testing Kits and Link to Online PrEP Services |
completed |
CTN-0082 |
Implementation Survey of PrEP and Opioid Use Related Services In STI Clinics and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) |
completed |
CTN-0082-A-1: COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness in People Who Use Substances In Community STI Clinics and Substance Use Intervention or Harm Reduction Programs In Eight Higher HIV Incidence Southeastern Cities |
completed |
CTN-0081 |
Emergency Medicine Opioid Data Infrastructure: Key Venue to Address Opioid Morbidity and Mortality (Project CODE PRO–Capturing Opioid Use Disorder Electronically and Patient Reported Outcomes) |
completed |
CTN-0080 |
Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Expectant Mothers (MOMs) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0079 |
Emergency Department Connection to Care with Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder (ED-CONNECT) |
completed |
CTN-0079-A-1: Emergency Department Outcomes for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder (Project ACT) (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0078-Ot |
Knowledge of and Attitudes about Medication Assisted Treatment within American Indian Communities |
completed |
CTN-0077-Ot |
Medical Cannabis Use Among Primary Care Patients: Using Electronic Health Records to Study Large Populations |
completed |
CTN-0076-Ot |
Clinical Decision Support for Opioid Use Disorders in Medical Settings: Pilot Usability Testing in an EMR (COMPUTE) |
completed |
CTN-0075 |
Physician-Pharmacist Collaboration in the Management of Patients with Opioid Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0074 |
Primary Care Opioid Use Disorders (PROUD) Treatment Trial |
completed |
CTN-0074-A-1: Primary Care Opioid Use Disorders Treatment Trial Economic Analysis Study (NIH HEAL Initiative) |
completed |
CTN-0073-Ot |
Towards Detecting Cocaine Use Using Smartwatches in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network |
completed |
CTN-0072-Ot |
Patient and System-Level Factors Associated with HEDIS AOD-IET Measure Performance Across Health Systems |
completed |
CTN-0071-Ot |
Electronic Health Records Data Elements Research (EHR-DARE) |
completed |
CTN-0070-Ot |
Interpretation and Implementation of Title 42 CFR Part 2 for Confidentiality of Patient Drug and Alcohol Use Records: NIDA CTN Stakeholder Snapshot |
completed |
CTN-0069 |
Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department |
completed |
CTN-0069-A-1: Retrospective Evaluation of Rapid Buprenorphine Induction in the Emergency Department for Opioid Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0069-A-2: The Impact of COVID-19 on Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder Who Received Emergency Department Care: A Survey Study of Project ED Health Participants and Medical Leadership at Four EDs |
completed |
CTN-0068 |
Accelerated Development of Additive Pharmacotherapy Treatment (ADAPT-2) for Methamphetamine Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0067 |
Comparing Treatments for HIV-Positive Opioid Users in an Integrated Care Effectiveness Study (CHOICES): Scale-Up |
completed |
CTN-0066-Ot |
Opioid Use Disorders in Primary Care Settings: Linking EHRs with PDMP and National Death Index Data Systems |
completed |
CTN-0065-Ot |
Evaluation of Drug Screening Implementation in Primary Care |
completed |
CTN-0064 |
Linkage to Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Care Among HIV/HCV Co-Infected Substance Users |
completed |
CTN-0064-A-1: Determination of Cause of Death Among HIV-Infected Substance Users Enrolled in Project Hope: A 4 Year Follow-Up |
completed |
CTN-0063-S |
Gender Differences in the Interrelationships Between Sexual Abuse, Risky Sexual Behavior, and Anxiety-Depression in Treatment Efficacy and Drug Use Over Time Among Individuals with Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0062-Ot |
A Phased-Implementation Feasibility and Proof-of-Concept Study to Assess Incorporating the NIDA CTN Common Data Elements into the Electronic Health Record in Large Primary Care Settings (CDE-EHR-PC) |
completed |
CTN-0062-Ot-A-1: Implementing the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substances (TAPS) Tool in Rural Federally-Qualified Health Centers: An Ancillary Study of the CDE-EHR-PC Study |
completed |
CTN-0061-Ot |
Kaiser Virtual Data Warehouse — Prescription Opioid Users |
completed |
CTN-0060-A-1 |
Validating 3 Substance Use Screening Tools for Adolescents |
completed |
CTN-0059 |
Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medications, and Substance Use/Misuse Brief Screen/Assessment Tool (TAPS Tool) |
completed |
CTN-0057-Ot |
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment in Primary Care (SBIRT-PC) |
completed |
CTN-0056-Ot |
Testing and Linkage to HIV Care in China: A Cluster Randomized Trial |
completed |
CTN-0055 |
Comparing Treatments for HIV-Positive Opioid Users in an Integrated Care Effectiveness Study (CHOICES) |
completed |
CTN-0054 |
Accelerated Development of Additive Pharmacotherapy Treatment (ADAPT) for Methamphetamine Use Disorder |
completed |
CTN-0053 |
Achieving Cannabis Cessation -- Evaluating N-Acetylcysteine Treatment (ACCENT) |
completed |
CTN-0052 |
A Randomized Controlled Evaluation of Buspirone for Relapse-Prevention in Adults with Cocaine Dependence (BRAC) |
completed |
CTN-0051 |
Extended-Release Naltrexone vs. Buprenorphine for Opioid Treatment (X:BOT) |
completed |
CTN-0051-A-1: Extended-Release Naltrexone vs. Buprenorphine for Opioid Treatment (X:BOT) Genetics Study |
completed |
CTN-0051-A-2: Treatment-As-Usual Opioid Use Outcomes Following Discharge from Detoxification and Short-Term Residential Programs Affiliated with CTN-0051 |
completed |
CTN-0050 |
Long Term Follow-Up of START Patients |
completed |
CTN-0049 |
Project HOPE: Hospital Visit as Opportunity for Prevention and Engagement for HIV-Infected Drug Users |
completed |
CTN-0049-A-1: Examining the Patient Navigation Process for HIV and Substance Abuse Treatment |
completed |
CTN-0049-A-2: Utilization of the Electronic Medical Record to Assess and Predict 3-Day Readmission Risk Among HIV-Infected Inpatients Enrolled in CTN-0049 |
completed |
CTN-0048 |
Cocaine Use Reduction with Buprenorphine (CURB) |
completed |
CTN-0048-A-1: Pharmacogenetics of Buprenorphine/Naltrexone for Cocaine Dependence in CURB Study |
completed |
CTN-0047 |
Screening, Motivational Assessment, Referral and Treatment in Emergency Departments (SMART-ED): Evaluation of Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and Booster Session for Drug Use Patients Presenting for Treatment in the Emergency Department |
completed |
CTN-0047-A-1: Site Influences on Treatment Effects – Screening, Motivational Assessment, Referral, and Treatment in Emergency Departments (SMART-ED) |
completed |
CTN-0046 |
Smoking Cessation and Stimulant Treatment (S-CAST): Evaluation of the Impact of Concurrent Outpatient Smoking Cessation and Stimulant Treatment on Stimulant Dependence |
completed |
CTN-0046-A-1: Site Influences on Treatment Effects – Smoking Cessation and Stimulant Treatment (S-CAST): Evaluation of the Impact of Concurrent Outpatient Smoking Cessation and Stimulant Treatment on Stimulant-Dependence Outcome |
completed |
CTN-0045-Ot |
Rates of HIV Testing and Barriers to Testing in African Americans Receiving Substance Abuse Treatment |
completed |
CTN-0044 |
Web Delivery of Evidence-Based, Psychosocial Treatment for Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0044-A-1: Site Influences on Treatment Effects – Web-Delivery of Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatment for Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0044-A-2: Acceptability of a Web-Delivered, Evidence-Based, Psychosocial Intervention Among Individuals with Substance Use Disorders Who Identify as American Indian/Alaska Native |
completed |
CTN-0044-A-3: Web-Tx Organizational and Practitioner Follow-Up |
completed |
CTN-0043-S |
Substance Abuse Treatment Outcomes in Racial/Ethnic Minority Populations |
completed |
CTN-0042-S |
Efficacy of Motivational Enhancement Therapy for African Americans |
completed |
CTN-0041-S |
Relationships Between Demographic Characteristics of Patients and Therapists, Measures of Therapeutic Process and Therapeutic Alliance, and Outcomes |
completed |
CTN-0040-S |
Pattern of Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Diagnoses among Drug Abusing/Dependent Participants |
completed |
CTN-0039-S |
Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Predictors of HIV Risk Behaviors |
completed |
CTN-0038-Ot |
Barriers to Substance Abuse Treatment Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders |
completed |
CTN-0037 |
Stimulant Reduction Intervention Using Dosed Exercise (STRIDE) |
completed |
CTN-0037-A-1: Site Influences on Treatment Effects – Exercise as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0036-Ot |
Epidemiology and Ethnographic Survey of “Cheese” Heroin Use among Hispanics in Dallas County |
completed |
CTN-0035-Ot |
Access to HIV and Hepatitis Screening and Care Among Ethnic Minority Drug Users In and Out of Drug Treatment |
completed |
CTN-0034-Ot |
Developing Research Capacity and Culturally Appropriate Research Methods: Community-Based Participatory Research Manual for Collaborative Research in Drug Abuse for American Indians and Alaska Natives |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot |
Methamphetamine Use Among American Indians |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot-1: Methamphetamine Use Among American Indians |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot-2: Methamphetamine Use and Treatment in Native American Communities in the Southwest |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot-3: Methamphetamine: Where Does It Fit in the Bigger Picture of Drug Use of American Indian and Alaska Native Communities and Treatment Seekers? |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot-4: An Exploration of Methamphetamine and Other Drug Use and Treatment Options Among Urban and Rural Northern Plains American Indians |
completed |
CTN-0033-Ot-5: The Choctaw Nation Methamphetamine Data Needs Project |
completed |
CTN-0032 |
HIV Rapid Testing and Counseling |
completed |
CTN-0032-A-1: Economic Analysis of HIV Rapid Testing in Drug Abuse Treatment Programs |
completed |
Project Aware: Project Aware: HIV Rapid Testing & Counseling in STD Clinics in the U.S. — An Adaptation of CTN-0032 |
completed |
CTN-0031 |
Stimulant Abuser Groups to Engage in 12-Step (STAGE-12): Evaluation of a Combined Individual-Group Intervention to Reduce Stimulant and Other Drug Use by Increasing 12-Step Involvement |
completed |
CTN-0031-A-1: An Evaluation of Neurocognitive Function, Oxidative Damage, and Their Association with Treatment Outcomes in Methamphetamine and Cocaine Abusers |
completed |
CTN-0031-A-2: The Role of Alcohol Consumption in Classifications of Alcohol Use Disorders: A Clinical Study |
completed |
CTN-0031-A-3: Organizational and Practitioner Influences on Implementation of STAGE-12 |
completed |
CTN-0030 |
Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study (POATS) |
completed |
CTN-0030-A-1: Collection of Economic Data for the Prescription Opioid Addiction Treatment Study |
completed |
CTN-0030-A-2: Effects of Chronic Opioids on the Brain |
completed |
CTN-0030-A-3: Protocol Amendment to Examine Long-Term Outcomes |
completed |
CTN-0029 |
A Pilot Study of Osmotic-Release Methylphenidate in Initiating and Maintaining Abstinence in Smokers with ADHD |
completed |
CTN-0028 |
Osmotic-Release Methylphenidate for ADHD in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0028-A-1: Does Methylphenidate Treatment for ADHD Increase the Rate of Smoking in Adolescents with Comorbid ADHD, Substance Use Disorder, and Nicotine Dependence? |
completed |
CTN-0027 |
Starting Treatment with Agonist Replacement Therapies (START) |
completed |
CTN-0027-A-1: START Pharmacogenetics: Exploratory Genetic Studies in Starting Treatment with Agonist Replacement Therapies |
completed |
CTN-0027-A-2: Retention of Suboxone Patients in START: Perspectives of Providers and Patients |
completed |
CTN-0021 |
Motivational Enhancement Treatment to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcomes for Spanish-Speaking Individuals Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse |
completed |
CTN-0020 |
Job Seekers Training for Patients with Drug Dependence |
completed |
CTN-0020-A-1: Job Seekers’ Training for Clients/Relatives with Drug Dependence (Specific to the Na’Nizhoozhi Center, Inc.) |
completed |
CTN-0019 |
Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Women in Drug Abuse Treatment |
completed |
CTN-0018 |
Reducing HIV/STD Risk Behaviors: A Research Study for Men in Drug Abuse Treatment |
completed |
CTN-0017 |
HIV and HCV Intervention in Drug Treatment Settings |
completed |
CTN-0016 |
Patient Feedback: A Performance Improvement Study in Outpatient Addiction Treatment Settings |
completed |
CTN-0015 |
Women’s Treatment for Trauma and Substance Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0015-A-1: Survey of Eating Disorder Symptoms among Women in Treatment for Substance Abuse Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0014 |
Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abusers |
completed |
CTN-0014-A-1: Mediators and Moderators of BSFT for Adolescent Drug Use |
completed |
CTN-0013 |
Motivational Enhancement Therapy to Improve Treatment Utilization and Outcome in Pregnant Substance Users |
completed |
CTN-0013-A-1: Trauma and Intravenous Drug Use among Pregnant Alcohol/Other Drug Abusing Women: Factors in Predicting Child Abuse Potential |
completed |
CTN-0012 |
Characteristics of Screening, Evaluation, and Treatment of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C Viral Infections, and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs |
completed |
CTN-0011 |
A Feasibility Study of a Telephone Enhancement Procedure (TELE) to Improve Participation in Continuing Care Activities |
completed |
CTN-0010 |
Buprenorphine/Naloxone-Facilitated Rehabilitation for Opioid Dependent Adolescents/Young Adults |
completed |
CTN-0010-A-1: Cost-Effective Analysis (CEA) in the CTN: Bup/Nal Treatment for Opioid Addicted Youth |
completed |
CTN-0010-A-2: Comorbid Conditions in Adolescents with Opioid versus Alcohol/Marijuana Use Disorders |
completed |
CTN-0009 |
Smoking Cessation Treatment with Transdermal Nicotine Replacement Therapy in Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs |
completed |
CTN-0008 |
Assessment of the National Drug Abuse Clinical Trials Network: A Baseline for Investigating Diffusion of Innovation |
completed |
CTN-0007 |
Motivational Incentives for Enhanced Drug Abuse Recovery: Methadone Clinics |
completed |
CTN-0007-A-1: Survey of Counselor’s Perceptions of Incentive Programs |
completed |
CTN-0007-A-2: Economic Evaluations in the CTN — Methods & Applications |
completed |
CTN-0006 |
Motivational Incentives for Enhanced Drug Abuse Recovery: Drug Free Clinics |
completed |
CTN-0005 |
MI (Motivational Interviewing) to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse |
completed |
CTN-0004 |
MET (Motivational Enhancement Treatment) to Improve Treatment Engagement and Outcome in Subjects Seeking Treatment for Substance Abuse |
completed |
CTN-0003 |
Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) Taper: A Comparison of Taper Schedules |
completed |
CTN-0002 |
Buprenorphine/Naloxone versus Clonidine for Outpatient Opiate Detoxification |
completed |
CTN-0001 |
Buprenorphine/Naloxone versus Clonidine for Inpatient Opiate Detoxification |
completed |